NA-901™ for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a diagnostic category characterized by persistent and deep feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a notable loss of interest in activities that once brought enjoyment. Along with these core symptoms, individuals often experience reduced engagement in daily tasks, difficulties in cognition, disrupted sleep patterns, and other physical complaints.

Despite the array of available treatments, challenges persist in the battle against MDD. One major hurdle is the delayed onset of action, with many antidepressants taking weeks to unveil their full therapeutic potential. This waiting period can be agonizing for those in dire need of symptom relief.

Furthermore, the potential side effects associated with medications sexual dysfunction—can deter some individuals from adhering to their treatment.

Additionally, not every patient responds favorably to available treatments. Some might experience only partial symptom relief, while others may not benefit at all. And even for those who find a successful treatment, the risk of relapse or developing drug resistance remains a looming concern.

Considering the areas for improvement in the current treatment model, there remains a significant demand for innovative therapeutic agents.

The therapeutic benefits of NA-901, which has shown promising results in phase 2a clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease, including neuroprotection and neurogenesis are particularly relevant since patients with MDD have MRI profiles akin to those with Alzheimer's disease.

Recent clinical studies of NA-901™ in MDD patients have been promising. Key findings include:

  • No observed toxicity.
  • Absence of adverse effects.
  • Clean safety profile.
  • Predictable pharmacokinetics.
  • Excellent ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, ensuring optimal bioavailability.

NA-901 is in Phase 2B clinical trials for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder.


For further information about our research and products, please contact us.

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